This page contains an updated list of all published documents related to the University’s COVID response. If you feel there is anything missing or errors, please contact
There are also extensive FAQs and other information on our coronavirus StaffNet site, our Teaching and Learning site and the Campus Management site. The latest information being provided to students is on MyManchester News.
Cases on campus
Return to campus
- Return to campus staff website
- Campus Management Framework - September-December 2021
- University activity mapped to UK Government roadmap
- Managers guidance for supporting staff to campus working
- Guidance on supporting wellbeing during return to campus
- NHS app and QR code FAQs
- Return to campus framework summary
- Return to campus essentials brochure
- IT guidance and checklist
- UK Government guidance on vulnerability to COVID-19
- Face covering FAQ
- Health and Safety FAQs
- First aid FAQs
- Fire safety FAQs
- Safety concerns - resolution and reporting
Cleaning and ventilation
- Cleaning risk assessment and responsibilities
- COVID secure ecosystem risk assessment
- Ventilation FAQs
- Touchpoint cleaning poster
Teaching and learning
On campus
- Guidance on risk assessment for COVID-19
- Generic risk assessment form
- Central teaching spaces risk assessment
- The University’s response to the SAGE guidance
- Safety concerns - resolution and reporting
Online teaching
Working from home
- Home working guidance
- Working remotely at The University of Manchester – A guide from IT Services
- Six ways to wellbeing while working at home
- Managing teams working at home
- Guidance on supporting staff wellbeing during coronavirus
- Guidance for staff with caring responsibilities
People and Organisational Development
- Directorate of People and Organisational Development
- A-Z People and Organisational Development policies and procedures
- Research FAQs
- FTC Ext Fund Scenarios Guidance[JB2]
- Guidance on Resuming Research Activity in the COVID-19 Environment
- Bring your own technology Standard Operating Procedure (IT Services)
Postgraduate Research
- Code of practice for PGRs
Travel and insurance
- University business travel and insurance
- Overseas travel risk assessment approval
- Overseas travel and insurance advice
- Cancellation or curtailment claim due to coronavirus: Guidance
- Cancellation or curtailment claim due to coronavirus: Claim form
- General coronavirus enquiries:
- Teaching coronavirus enquiries: