Information on various regulatory areas
If you are planning to import anything from Russia or the non-government controlled Ukrainian territory, please contact the University’s Regulatory Compliance Team.
Licences and Certificates post Brexit
The UK has left the EU and the transition period after Brexit comes to an end on 31 December 2020.
Please visit below the summary of licences, certificates and special rules for moving goods in or out of the UK:
Annual Compliance Training Update Event
The Compliance and Risk Office manages the annual Compliance training event, a half day programme in January/February with presentations focussing on roles and responsibilities of senior managers, including updates to legislation and University policies.
Annual Compliance Exercise
The Compliance and Risk Office is also responsible for the annual Compliance Exercise which is completed by senior managers each summer.
Regulatory Summer & Winter Returns
There are a number of Governmental regulations that apply to research and other work carried out at the University. Some of these require personal or institutional licences or registration, and others require information to be submitted to the Government. In order to ensure compliance with these regulations, the University requests information from the Schools and research institutions twice a year in Summer and December.
The Summer returns are for general risk management and compliance monitoring, and request information on:
- Controlled Drugs licences
- DEFRA licences
- Schedule 5 pathogens and toxins
- Zoo Licences
- Firearms (and equipment classed as firearms) Licences
The December returns are for statutory purposes, gathering information for the University's reports on:
Export Controls - All researchers must ensure they comply with the information on the University's Export Control website.
Management (handling, storage, and use) of Military Grade Chemicals
Military grade chemicals, as listed in schedules 2 and 3 of the UK Strategic Export Control Lists, should be managed in a secured manner to prevent any theft, loss or adverse incidents.
If you are a principle investigator (PI) who is or will be managing military grade chemicals, please ensure that you cross-check your inventory against this list and you must contact the Regulatory Compliance Team (RCT) if you do. The RCT will advise you on what mitigating measures you should put in place to manage these chemicals appropriately.
In addition to the secure management of military grade chemicals in campus, these chemicals are also controlled for exports, accordingly an export licence will be required to send such chemicals outside of the UK. Additionally, an export licence is also required to send any technology (including information, data, know-how and technical advice) which can be used for the development or production, of any military grade chemicals. If any planned international collaborations may involve military grade chemicals, or their related technologies, please submit information via the Export Controls Compliance Request (Online form).
The military grade chemical list can be found here.
For security reasons, LabCup cannot be accessed from any computer off campus. Therefore, a remote access has to be set up to a University computer on campus to gain access to LabCup. The IT team has established a detailed procedure on how to connect to a University computer via Remote Desktop connection. Further help with remote access can be sought directly from IT service.
Once remote access has been set up to a University computer on campus, personal computer can be used from home to connect to the University computer and then to access LabCup from there.
Please contact the University's Risk Manager (Regulatory) if you require any further assistance.
Animal by-products
The UK government has previously published a collection of guides for those working with Animal by-products (ABP). From Brexit there is an increased focus on these materials.
Waste Management Guidance
It is the responsibility of all waste producers to dispose of all waste in accordance with the applicable legislations (UK and International). Waste producers are any person or organisation whose activities produces waste and includes universities.
As a waste producer, you should:
- Sort and store all waste for disposal safely and securely prior to transportation. Please contact your local Technical Services Manager or Health and Safety advisor for further guidance on the classification and disposal/reuse/recycling of all waste types.
- Report any non-compliance waste adverse events/ incidents to the Regulatory Compliance Team
It is the responsibility of anyone who plans on disposing CWC chemicals, chemical precursors or controlled drugs to do so in accordance with the applicable legislation. You cannot use the standard waste contractor to dispose of these chemicals. The contractor collecting them must hold a special licence to receive them. Contact the Regulatory Compliance Team for advice before the disposal of such material.
Guidance for disposal/recycling of Lithium ion and lithium metal batteries
You must package and prepare the batteries (intact, defective and/or damaged) for transportation prior disposal in a particular manner. Please read the following guidance for details.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Guidance
The University of Manchester is committed to meeting its obligations under various UK and international legislation (including regulations and guidance) for the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for research, teaching and commericial activities.
For further guidance please refer to:
- Unmanned aerial vehicles - Legal requirement & Operational categories & Permisions
- Operation requirements before you fly
Shipping Dangerous Goods
It is the responsibility of anyone shipping dangerous goods (DG),to document, classify, package and mark shipments by air, road, rail and sea in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Adverse Events Reporting
The University of Manchester is committed to meeting its obligations under various UK and international legislation related to chemicals and waste. Any adverse events must be reported as well as any incidents or not following University procedures for the acquisition, use, storage and transport of chemicals and their subsequent destruction and disposal as waste.
Report any non-compliance adverse events / incidents related to chemicals and waste to the Directorate of Compliance and Risk via the online reporting form.
Please contact the Regulatory Compliance Team if you require any further assistance.