Technology Enhanced Learning
The theme at the 2018 CHERIL conference was Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and was structured around the five areas of activity on UKPSF which fitted around some key areas of the eLearning design process. Please see the resources and links in the sections below.
Design |
Stall / General Guidance
HEA Technology enhanced Learning Guides
Digital Collaboration Online Journal Club Comparison Chart
Posters and PechaKucha Presentations
Jennie Blake from the Library gave a presentation on approaching blended Learning,
Watch the video of the presentation:
The slides are available here:
For more links to technology enhanced learning content please go the Library's My Learning Essentials DIIGO bookmark page
There were two ePosters for Design:
1. Ang Davies provided an ePoster on Educating a Community of Practice in Clinical Bioinformatics, please see the slides below:
The second was by David Schultz on Atmospheric Modeller and posed the question why not a real-time modelling system for education over the UK?, please see the slides below:
Delivery |
Workshop Related Materials
Jenny Slaughter gave a workshop on Live Marking where the use of Turnitin can be used in the classroom to provide real time feedback and assessment. Please launch Live Marking Handout which is a pdf document illustrating her approach.
Stall / General Guidance
- Classroom Scenario 1 Lisa Williams
- Classroom Interactivity Scenario 2 - Patricia Perlman-Dee
- Classroom Scenario 3 - Graham Smith
- Classroom Scenario 4 - Julian Jones
- Flipped Scenario 1 - Huw Morgan
- Flipped Scenario 2 - Julia Handl
- Reinforcing Lecturers with Podcasts - Anne McBride
- Techsmith Relay Guide
- TurningPoint Mobile guide
- TurningPoint Mobile and Software Comparison Chart
Posters and Presentations
The ePoster for Delivery was by Tom Rodgers and was called Understanding Student Use of Resources in "Rich-Media" Courses, please see the slides below:
There were two PechaKucha presentations for Delivery
1. Lynne Bianchi gave her presentation Across the Divide – working with cross-sector teachers to enhance HE pedagogic practice, please watch the video below:
The slides are available here:
2. Using a MOOC to engage participants in a new profession was presented by Ang Davies
The slides are available below:
Evaluation |
Stall / General Guidance
Staff Learning and Development co-managed the Evaluation stall and showcased their website which acts as a great gateway to a number of learning and development resources that you can use to evaluate your own development to support your teaching practice. Please go to their website here -
R Studio University of Manchester Group provided a flier on setting up reports from Blackboard on the R tool. They are a group that meets regularly, please go to their listserv group page here if you would like to join
Finally, Drew Whitworth provided insight on his research Stewarding and Power In Digital Educational Resources (SPIDER) which drew on a set of 20 online discussion boards.
1. SPACELESS - Developing peer assisted support by Roger Harrison which was presented at the CHERIL conference January 2018, watch the video:
The slides are available below:
2. Isla Gemmel gave one on Determining factors associated with differential attainment among transnational distance learning students, please watch the video:
The slides are available below:
The Evaluation ePoster was by Rachel Purcell on Speech and Language therapists (SLTs) experience of professional development using eLearning
Assessment and Feedback
Assessment and Feedback |
Workshop Related Materials
Designing Multi-Choice Questions (MCQs) workshop - Steve Wheeler. Please watch the video below which supports the activities in the workshop:
Arthur, N., 2006. Using student-generated assessment items to enhance teamwork, feedback and the learning process. Synergy, 24, pp.21-23.
Bloom, B.S., 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Affective domain, by DR Krathwohl, BS Bloom [and] BB Masia (Vol. 2). D. McKay.
Boyle, J. and Nicol, D., 2003. Using classroom communication systems to support interaction and discussion in large class settings. Association for Learning Technology Journal, 11(3), pp.43-57.
Bull, J., and M. Danson. "Computer-aided assessment (CAA)." York: LTSN Generic Centre (2004).
Fellenz, M.R., 2004. Using assessment to support higher level learning: the multiple choice item development assignment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6), pp.703-719.
Gardner-Medwin, A.R., 2006. Confidence-Based Marking: Towards Deeper Learning and Better Exams in Bryan, C., Clegg., K.(Eds), Innovative Assessment in Higher Education.
Karpicke, J.D. and Roediger, H.L., 2010. Is expanding retrieval a superior method for learning text materials?. Memory & cognition, 38(1), pp.116-124.
Mazur, E., 1997, March. Peer instruction: getting students to think in class. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 399, No. 1, pp. 981-988). AIP.
Nicol, D., 2007. E‐assessment by design: using multiple‐choice tests to good effect. Journal of Further and higher Education, 31(1), pp.53-64.
Nicol, D.J. and Boyle, J.T., 2003. Peer instruction versus class-wide discussion in large classes: a comparison of two interaction methods in the wired classroom. Studies in Higher Education, 28(4), pp.457-473.
Roediger III, H.L. and Karpicke, J.D., 2006. Test-enhanced learning: Taking memory tests improves long-term retention. Psychological science, 17(3), pp.249-255.
Stall / General Guidance
JISC (2010) Effective Assessment in a Digital Age
Blackboard App - handy checklist for MCQs and Blooming Apps! mobile apps explained by Bloom's Taxonomy created by FSE elearning team. For more information and guidance on writing MCQs from the FSE elearning team, please go to the following pages on their site : An Academic's Guide to MCQs for formative assessment and Writing multiple choice questions - a handy guide.
Posters and Presentations
Kostas Arvantis provided an ePoster for the conference on Public Engagement and Cultural Professionals' Mentoring in Course Assessment and Feedback, please view the slides below:
Tools |
Workshop Related Materials
Sixty Second Skills
Hannah Cook from the Staff Learning and Development Team provided a session on How to create a sixty second skill please select this link to launch the pdf which was used in the session and gives you the step by step process to complete a one minute help video. Try browsing the videos on the Sixy Second Skill website to see what has been created already and also see if there are any snippets for you to take away to support your teaching. Also you might want to subscribe to the Sixty Second Skills newsletter.
Please also browse the video skills website 1 minute CPD provided by Academy for Education and Professional Development which provides short videos on a number of different learning technologies and tools.
Stall / General Guidance
Ros Bell from The Library provided a taster for different tools and technology as part of their Digilab service - please go to their website for more information here - -
The Library also has a bookmark page on DIIGO which provides essential links related to the University of Manchester Library's My Learning Essentials, please go to this page here -
Collaborate - Blackboard video conferencing tool
Cath Wasiuk from the University of Manchester Worldwide ran a live Collaborate Blackboard session from the stall to demonstrate how video conferencing can support distance learning and also how easy it is to get started with the tool. Collaborate Flier
Further Support
The conference was a collaborative event and involved CHERIL project owners, teaching excellence award winners and LEAP ambassadors and other teams across the University specialising in digital learning and academic development. Each of these teams have a wealth of helpful resources to support your teaching practice, so please visit their websites below and add them to your favourites: