Learner Effectiveness
HEA resources
- Gibbs, G. (2010) Dimensions of quality York: HEA
- Gibbs, G. (2012) Implications of ‘dimensions of quality’ in a market environment: HEA
- Effective L&T in UK HE (which was co-badged by the HEA) - a commentary produced at the end of the TLRP funding which has 10 evidence-informed principles around effective pedagogy.
HEA frameworks (based on evidence on pedagogy for learner effectiveness)
- Internationalisation - Internationalisation Framework (1 July 2014)
- Assessment and Feedback - A marked improvement (24 October 2012)
- Employability – Defining and developing your approach to employability: A framework for higher education institutions (released on 17 Oct 2013)
- ESD – The Future Fit Framework: An introductory guide to teaching and learning for sustainability in HE (released 1 July 2012)
- Inclusive Curriculum Design - Inclusive curriculum design in higher education (released in 31 May 2011)