Guidance for staff
Updated 1 April 2022
Staying COVID safe
The best way to stay safe is to get vaccinated and take up your booster jab.
It is essential that we all do everything we can to reduce the risk of spreading infection. So, whether you are working on campus or from home, our advice to staff and students continues to be:
- Get vaccinated - We encourage all staff and students to get vaccinated, and to get your booster. Vaccinated people are much less likely to get serious COVID-19 or be admitted to hospital, and there is growing evidence that vaccinated people are much less likely to pass the virus to others.
- Report a postive test - Please also continue to report if you are symptomatic, isolating or test positive using our online survey. It will help us to monitor the situation and make any necessary changes to keep everyone safe.
- Face masks - We encourage everyone to continue to wear a face covering while moving around indoors on campus. There will be some areas where you will be required to wear a face covering as part of local risk assessments, such as small crowded spaces.
- Testing - Universal free testing for Covid is no longer available and so colleagues are no longer required to continue asymptomatic testing twice a week. You can get more information here about your eligibility for free Covid tests and ordering tests.
Find out more
- Take a look at our frequently asked questions on campus management which are regularly updated taking into account the latest government advice and University decisions.