Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) Team
The SRPE Team provides information, advice and guidance about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) for researchers, teaching and learning staff, students and Public Contributors across the Faculty.
The Team can also help to promote involvement opportunities, events and training opportunities to staff, students and Public Contributors through a monthly email digest, Twitter and the PPIE blog site. Get in touch to find out more.
The PPIE Forum (formerly the SRPE Forum) features representation from PPIE/social responsibility leads across the Faculty, Public Contributors and staff and students working in a PPIE role. Co-chaired by Professor Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement, and Kay Gallacher, Public Contributor, the aim of the Forum is to provide strategic direction to the Faculty PPIE community. This is done through the monitoring of the Forum’s action plan which is approved by members at the beginning of the academic year. During the Forum meetings members:
- Evaluate the Forum’s outputs
- Discuss upcoming initiatives and future actions
- Hear updates from members in attendance
- Hear from guest speakers who present on a topic of their choice relating to social responsibility or PPIE
Initial enquiries
Public Engagement Digest
Sign up to receive the Faculty’s public engagement digest for current events, training and involvement opportunities.
Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement and co-chair for the Faculty’s PPIE Forum
Email SR Team
Dr Hawys Williams
Social Responsibility and Public Engagement Manager
Email Hawys
Kay Gallacher
Public Contributor and co-chair for the Faculty’s PPIE Forum
Email Kay
Samantha Franklin
Social Responsibility Project Officer
Email Sam