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Flexible working - frequently asked questions

Common questions asked around flexible working.

What sort of flexible working can I apply for?

You can apply for any form of flexible working for any reason. This can include reducing hours, compressing hours over fewer days than normal, working from home, job sharing, staggered hours or flexible start and finish times.

What is a trial period – and should I ask for one?

A trial period is an opportunity for someone to undertake a trial of proposed new ways of working without them amounting to a permanent change to terms and conditions. Trial period typically last a few months, and the decision is taken at the end. A trial period is a good way for both the manager and the employee to find out if the new arrangements could work, and is especially useful if it is a form of working pattern that hasn’t been undertaken previously. 

I need flexible working for a particular period of time, but not permanently. Is this possible?

Yes. You can ask for this informally which might be suitable if the request is just for a short period.  Alternatively you can make a formal request stating a timeframe and this will be considered in line with the policy. 

Are certain grades excluded from working from home?

Anyone can make a request for any form of flexible working. This is not limited by grade in our Policy. If someone asks to work from home on a regular basis as part of a formal flexible working request, this should be considered under our policy, based on the needs of the role. The grade of the individual should not be a consideration in the decision whether or not the request can be agreed. 

Can I ask for a shift in hours if this means I'm working slightly outside the university's core work

Yes; you can make a request for any change of hours.  Whether it can be agreed will depend on the nature of the job role.  As with any request for flexible working it could be refused on one of the legal grounds, such as increase in cost, impact on colleagues or customers.  It would be possible to request a trial of this form of arrangement, if it isn’t clear whether or not it will work for both parties. 

Will my approved flexible working move with me if I move to a new job in the University?

Not necessarily. Generally speaking when you apply for a new role you apply for it on the basis of the advertised terms and conditions.  However, the hiring manager can consider your application based on your current hours – in these circumstances we recommend applying and setting out your current working pattern to see if it can be accommodated. 

Can I go back to my previous hours in the future, after a flexible working request is agreed?

Not necessarily, no.  If you only need flexible working for a fixed period, you can make a request for that.  However, if you request flexible working and have that approved, there is no automatic right (for either party) to revert to the previous working arrangements.  You would need to make a request for another change and that would be considered in accordance with the operational situation at the time. 

How can I start the discussions with my line manager?

We usually recommend having an informal conversation first if you feel that is possible, and let your manager know that you would like to work more flexibly / make a flexible working request. You should then put in your formal request via the form you can find in the policy.

What happens if my manager says no to my request?

You have the right to appeal against their decision, and this appeal should be heard by an independent manager.