Academic Development Programme (ADP)
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ADp is part of a University wide approach to support new academics and to provide academic staff with the skills they need to carry out their research and teaching and learning duties at the highest level. ADP is delivered at Faculty level to contextualise learning with your discipline and to connect you with experts and leaders across the Faculty.
Those new to the programme must complete the ADP Induction. The programme is designed to be flexible and provides training in three key development areas detailed below – click on the links to book a place via the Training Catalogue or download a copy of the ADP timetable for the current year.
Inspirational Teaching
- IT1.1: Introduction to teaching: how do students learn?
- IT1.3: Small Group Teaching
- IT2.1: Enquiry and Problem Based Learning
- IT2.2: eLearning Platforms to Support Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- IT3.1: Assessment and Quality
- IT3.2: Enhancing the Student Experience
- IT3.3: Academic Advising
- IT4: PGR Student Supervision: Foundations of Good Supervisory Practice
- IT5: Curriculum Design
- IT6: Getting the Most out of your Library - Supporting your students academic skills
- IT7: Teaching Methodologies - How to Engage Students
- IT8: PGR Student Supervision: Examinations and Viva of PhD/MD Students
- IT9: PGR Student Supervision: Maintaining Momentum
- IT10: NAP Review of Teaching (Micro Teach)
- IT11: Strategies for Teaching Statistics
- IT12: Teaching with Technology
- IT12.2: Playful Learning
- IT13: Distance Learning and Creating Online Teaching and Learning Packages
- IT14: Inclusive teaching and learning
- IT15: How to work effectively with Professional Bodies and Regulators
- IT16: The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
Research Excellence
- RE1.1: Enhancing Research Publications
- RE1.2: Strategic Research Project Planning
- RE1.3: Fundamentals of Research Project Planning
- RE1.4: Getting the Most out of the Library: Maximising the Impact of your Research
- RE3.1: An Introduction to Research Grant Applications (online course)
- RE3.2: Grant Writing in Action
- RE4: Successful Grant Costing and Post-Award Management
- RE5: Research Ethics Application: University and NHS
- RE6: Undertaking Ethical Research
- RE9: Undertaking Research on your Teaching
- RE11: How to Evidence your Social Impact
Personal and Professional Development
- PD1.1: Leadership and Line Management
- PD2.1: Strategic Academic Career Planning and Mentoring
- PD2.2: Review on Progress/Writing your NAP portfolio
- PD2.3: Mentoring for Career Success (online course)
- PD3: Self-awareness in Leadership and the role of Emotional Intelligence
- PD4: Influencing with Integrity
- PD5: Time Management for Academics
- PD8: Setting and Meeting Objectives for You and Your Team
- PD9: Making a Difference Through Social Responsibility
- PD10: Difficult Conversations
- PD11: Managing Change
- PD13: Improving Sustainability in the Laboratory
To register for a place on the ADP programme, please complete the online registration form.
ADP Online
A number of ADP courses are available in a fully online format (ADP online) and others are supported by an online element providing a flipped approach to learning (NAP blended). If you are new, you can get access to the ADP Online Blackboard area through the Training Catalogue, once registered on the programme.
ADP Viva Engaeg Group
Participants are encouraged to join the programme Viva Engage group which is an important channel that enables you to receive peer support from and communicate with other colleagues registered on the ADP and the ADP team.
ADP Exemption
ADP is a probationary requirement for most academics up to and including Reader and is optional for other colleagues witihin the Faculty. The programme is designed to recognise prior learning and participants on the programme may be eligible to apply for a full or partial Exemption.
ADP Submission
To complete the programme, participants must submit a reflective portfolio. Further details including the assessment criteria and submission dates are available on the ADP Submission page.
Useful Links
- Faculty eLearning support
- Wellcome ISSF Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project funding
- Staff Learning and Development Mentoring and Coaching
- Leading, Managing and Supervising at UoM - SLD Pathways
- UMITL Leaders in Teaching programme
- UMITL resources to support teaching and academic development
- Staff Network Groups