Black Asian Minority Ethnic staff network group
The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff network group is a vibrant forum to exchange views and help provide an authoritative voice for staff within the University .
The network have been instrumental in helping to shape the direction of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy within the University.
The network aims to:
- Promote race equality through active involvement and consultation on the University's strategy, policies and guidance on race equality;
- Monitor and assess the effective implementation of actions created in relation to the Race Equality Charter Mark;
- Campaign and lobby on race equality by preparing submissions to public consultations, public forums and University governing bodies;
- Work closely with other units or centres including the Directorate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and organisations which campaign for race equality in and across the University, such as the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Centre, the University Students' Union and the Campus Trade Unions;
- Provide the opportunity to connect and share experiences about working at the University.
- Provide support, guidance and signposting where appropriate, including development opportunities.
The full remit of the group can be seen in our Terms of Reference.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 26 February 12:30-13:30 via Microsoft Teams.
If you have any agenda items, would like to attend the meeting or be added to the BAME mailing list, please email