About the intranet
FBMH StaffNet and intranet applications
The new Faculty intranet is predominantly based within StaffNet.
We are the first faculty to do this. It will provide a common platform with wider University directorates and Faculties enabling us to be more integrated.
Additionally, the site provides access to intranet applications and services as part of the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health intranet provision.
These elements are accessible via the homepage and the 'intranet applications' menu item in the main navigation.
We hope you find the FBMH StaffNet a useful tool.
Content and structure changes
A lot of work has gone into identifying the most important and frequently used pages in the previous faculties and schools, and migrating them into FBMH StaffNet and the intranet application sites.
We have also made significant efforts to reduce the volume and complexity of our intranets.
This has included removing separate School intranets, and bringing any required content into the single site structure.
We identified content that was used so little it did not warrant migrating to the new intranet and removed it. This was done in consultation with business owners, and has meant 75% fewer content pages. This should make the site much easier to use.
However, we appreciate we may not have got things right in every case, and will continue to adapt and evolve the intranet – especially the FBMH StaffNet. Please let us know of anything you feel is missing, or that could be improved.
We will also be running formal feedback and user testing over the coming months.
Student-facing content
Another change across our intranet provision is separating student-facing content from staff-facing content.
This will enable each to better meet the users' needs.
Postgraduate research
PGR-facing content will form part of the new Doctoral Academy website for current postgraduate researchers.
Undergraduate and taught master's
A temporary set of sites were created and launched early September for UG and PGT students. This included Welcome sites.
During the academic year the web team will identify a consistent approach to student-facing content, and move all relevant content into My Manchester for Students. The Faculty web team will be in contact with relevant people across the Faculty and Schools to undertake this programme of work.
Staff profiles
Profiles for researchers are now hosted in the main University research information system, Pure. This replaces any Faculty systems you may have used in the past.
To update your research profile you will need to use Pure. If you haven't already, you should make your Pure profile public as soon as possible.
See the Pure support information on managing your personal profile.
We look forward to receiving your feedback on the new FBMH StaffNet and intranet applications sites.
Contact us at: FBMHComms@manchester.ac.uk